I had a terrible headache
last night. When I woke up this morning, it was worse. In bed, I reached one
hand up to my head, analyzing where the pain was located. I opened my eyes—no spots. I used to get migraines. This wasn’t one.
5:00 a.m. I checked my iPhone. NY
Times News Alert...Donald Trump won the election.
After some aspirin and a
mouthful of bread, I just wanted quiet. No news is good news right? But being a
glutton for punishment, I pressed the TV remote’s buttons anyway. Someone said,
“The educated coastal elites haven’t been paying enough attention to middle
America... and that’s why Trump lovers were so mad” or something like that.
That’s why Trump won. I turned the TV off.
I am a rustbelt-far-left-leaning-liberal.
The first hours of grief are the hardest. The novel I’ve been working on for the past two years seemed worthless. Why bother. But there’s always eating, so I did quite a bit of that, then I decided to clean...something I don’t decide to do very often.
Next, I checked out what my
liberal friends were saying on Facebook. There were several mentions of moving
to Canada.
I thought again about the
derogatory comment about liberals. So I asked myself what is a liberal? What am
Answer: I am a leftie.
Right handed, left politically. Actually, I’m one
of those dangerous extreme liberals.
As an Extreme
- I believe that we should treat each other with respect—whatever our race, religion, sexual orientation, or financial status.
- I believe that sick people should be able to get health care.
- I believe that children are entitled to a good public education.
- I believe in helping the less privileged.
- I believe old people (especially those in physical jobs) shouldn’t have to work until 70 to get Social Security.
- I believe college should be affordable.
- I believe in paying my taxes.
- I believe people must have clean water.
- I believe black lives matter.
- I believe that each woman should be able to decide whether or not she gives birth.
- I believe that climate change is real.
- I believe in kindness, caring and listening. (I’m trying to get better at that listening one).
Canada is a lovely country, I will stay here. I'm an American. And I will continue
having (and expressing) my extreme views.